Say It Ain’t so…
Oh no Jesus you have abandoned the Republicans who…
…Said if only you and your Disciples had assault weapons things, would have turned out differently, with all that New Testament plot line stuff!
…Who lovingly believe the NRA when the NRA insists that, Only good guys have guns, and secondly Guns don’t kill, stupid, and neither do Toddlers!
…Who understand your gifts don’t always come with ribbons and that sometimes Daddy’s, Brothers and that nasty guy from the other side of the railroad track, who want to Rape women, Is just Jesus saying, look what I have done for you now, Do, I hear a Hallelujah!
…Who want that zygote to have an Attorney, and defend that little egg and sperm’s civil rights, forgetting about once the baby is out of the womb that food, health, housing are no Christian issues.
Say It Ain’t So…
Oh no Jesus, you have abandoned all of those who…
…Swore on your name that you crept into their bedroom and urged them ALL to run for office, was it just indigestion?
…Insisted that you were THE General who brought us a new nation, of course declining the presidency as it was too time restrictive.
…May not have actually been around to see for themselves, when you were roaming the streets of Jerusalem, but have a very good idea what you meant to say.
…Think divorce is the prerogative of good Christian’s, bigotry a lost book of the Bible, People of color your little punk’d you joke, and self proclaimed Christian visionaries who insist paying them will get prayers to you faster.
Say It Ain’t So…
Oh no Jesus you have abandoned all of those…
…Liars, hypocrites, deniers, selfish, scheming Christians and selected a man who never needs to repent, never needs to apologize, never is wrong, and never can be trusted.
…Who pretend you really are a misogynist, racist, anti-semite, who can disparage women, people of color Jews, Muslims.
…Who loathe the poor, believe you were a banker, know you were white, are paid to know that climate change is liberal BS.
You, Jesus abandoned all of the above for Donald Trump. Wait a minute here, that REALLY wasn’t You! ALL of those people who have been talking to you or repeating your word, have been played. Indeed, I think that fallen angel of yours the one supposedly who has a tail and horns has been playing this local barnyard of Republican hypocrites animals for fools. Say It IS so…