Monday, May 9, 2016


The Irreverence toward Relevancy, or scratching that cold sore on your lip and spreading the herpes virus, or putting out an electrical fire with water…Or permitting Sarah Palin’s idiotic rantings and musings to be heard seen or published…Or thinking that the Republican’s not supporting Trump have a conscience…Or trying to squash anything Trump with the truth as if his supporters care…Or being a Kardashian and running out of anymore nude pictures or places to perform plastic surgery. Disregard for the Real and insisting that if it has the word reality in front of it it is real…Like the Benghazi Committee falsifying anything Hillary…Like the Stop Planned Parenthood Committee using fake videos as substance…Like saying Gay marriage is evil but looking the other way when the Duggar Family are part of a cult which believes that Jesus said that once the young girl of 14 or 15 develops breasts, she should be auctioned off to use her virgin body to get regnant…Like Scolding Bill Clinton for his misogynistic ways while you are either molesting kids, having an adulterous affair or just loving you some Prostitutes.

The Bliss of Ignorance, or thinking fair and balanced is really not deceit and lies, or scratching that poison ivy rash knowing that will stop it from spreading, or wiping your butt but not your hands. Or listening as Rick Perry says he will be the best VP for Donald Trump…Or watching as John MCCain states Donald Trump will be good as president knowing that he said the same thing about Sarah Palin for VP…Denial of Truth, Like If it ain’t Bernie I will not vote…like being told that the 28 missing pages from the 9-11 Report don’t matter…Like being a true Patriot is denying that the South lost the Civil War and the Civil War was never about slavery…Like Donald trump eating taco’s and saying his best friends are Mexicans

We live in a country so enticed with sound bytes, with news casters trying to invent the news, with elected officials who have no idea what the Constitution says and who most could probably never pass a new citizens test. We live in a country where the smart seem to shy away from being heard, the stupid multiply like maggots on a dead slab of meat, and no one believes that compromise is anything but a plot from the Devil. We live in a country where tomorrow for the first time in this nations history may either never come or be the entrance to the Twilight Zone. How damn scary!