Friday, May 27, 2016

I am so tired

I am so tired of hearing “But Hillary’s negatives are almost as high as Trump’s” on most every supposed to be newscast. Compare the negatives for me, please…wait, let me try…Is it because Hillary stayed with her cheating husband and Trump left his wives to cheat on more women…Is it that Hillary is aggressive, and assertive, like Trump, but she is JUST a woman…Is it because FOX News in conjunction with a very gerrymandered Tea-Bagging Congress has tried to lie about Benghazi while letting the lyin’Trump go on lyin’…Is it because Hillary says words like inclusive, equality, fair pay, freedom for everyone, while Trump limits the scope of democracy for his chosen few…

I am so tired of hearing about anyone but Hillary from the GOP…Tell me why…wait let me try…is that the GOP understand the real power of this woman…Is it that to stay in power the GOP will settle for a bigot, someone who knows even less about the Constitution then the majority of GOP Congress People…Is it the fear that a continuation of a sane and knowledgable will happen demonstrating to the American public just how poorly the GOP have governed this nation…Is it because current Republican partisan divide isn’t as good until a real dictator is sitting in the Oval Office…

I am so tired of hearing the people who support Bernie insist that if doesn’t get the Democrat nomination they will either not vote of vote for Trump…Tell me why…wait I think I know… Is it because the revolution they talk about can only happen with Bernie…Is it that they are shortsighted to not notice that any vote against Hillary will certainly let the Trump revolution thrive… Is that all or nothing actually solves and problems…

I am so SCARED of the people who let will a hypocrite, bigot, ignoramus, reality star, buffoon become president; an individual who cares only about his welfare, his ratings, his image and will shake up the this nation with so many cracks it may never, ever be repaired. I SCARED of the Bernie or Bust, the Spineless Republicans, and I am scared for the people I love and the generations to follow. I am so tired…