I am so tired of hearing about percentages, about what if’s about the next big primary, and I am so disgusted with people we have relied on from all the major Cable networks who are not journalists, but entertainers working hard for ratings. It would be so nice if a real Journalist or reporter or perhaps an ordinary citizen could have an hour show even once a week and ask some relevant questions. Pick me, pick me…
…I would ask Marsha Blackburn Chair of the newly formed anti Planned Parenthood, women’s right to her own biology and body of the GOP, how much money does your committee have budgeted to dismantle an organization and the lives of women who only seek quality health care and to be better educated regarding their bodies? Then I would follow up and ask, why is it that the GOP seems to have tax payer dollars to eliminate Planned Parenthood based on a bunch of videos produced without one ounce of truth, but always seems to fall short on income to pay for The School Lunch Program, Day Care for those families earning minimum wage and Food Stamps for families living just on the or below the Poverty Line. When Representative Marsha Blackburn hems and haws I would then suggest perhaps if she insists her committee establish laws against abortions why can they not establish laws to protect the children already alive. you know the ones starving, uneducated and with very poor health care.
…I would ask Chairman Trey of the BENGHAZI committee a few questions about the members of his committee and his own behavior. Perhaps my first question would be you have stated off camera that this committee was established as one more bit of propaganda to dissuade Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy, is that heresy or just the truth? Then I would add why do you think you had the authority to change the information you received from the CIA regarding Secretary Clinton during the time before and after BENGHAZI, are you above the established laws of the land? And finally i would ask Chairman Goudy, how much is in your budget for this political witch hunt and do you think that maybe a percentage of the millions of dollars you spent just to try and derail Clinton’s presidential run and place those dollars into the health and welfare of Veterans, you know the group of guys for whom you wave the flag, but usually end up giving therm nothing but the finger?
…I would ask Donald Trump about one of his fan’s remarks regarding Jews. If Donald trump would insist he may have heard about David Duke, but JUST doesn’t know him, I then play two pieces of audio for Mr Trump. The first would be David Duke’s endorsement of Trump and follow that with David Dukes rant about Jews being the reason for the anti-Trump movement. When Donald still refuses to acknowledge the truth about his relationship with David Duke I would finally ask him, what do you think your daughter who converted to Judaism and your news grandson who is Jewish would think about this?
…I would ask Mika and Joe from MSNBC how they define Journalism. and how it seems that providing easy answers, the kind that are just mushy and cozy to Donald Trump makes either of them to be considered legit? I would ask that if you felt this compassion and allegiance to Donald Trump off camera why were neither of you honest ON camera to let your audience you paved the way for a less stressful and honest interview with a man who may become the next President.