Wednesday, May 25, 2016

TRUMP wins

Until the media, and any politician in the way of Trump responds to Trump using his language, his sound bytes, his Tweets, and his innuendo, NO one but Trump wins. Until the media stops telling us that Hillary’s negatives are the same as Trump’s, but quite never compare the facts, Trump wins. Trump is loved by the insecure, by the people who need a bad guy to make them feel good about just how bigoted they are. Until we stop letting Trump play by his own rules, Trump wins. 

Trump talks about the misogynistic behavior of Bill Clinton, and how Hillary enabled him. No one asks Trump’s current wife, why she would marry a man who cheated on two previous wives and had a child out of wedlock. If Hillary was enabler what do we call Melania? Trumps pretends to care about the Vets, yet his track record of supports lacks any kind of support. So every time Trump tells the world he is the man who will make Vets lives easier, why not ask him if you haven’t done it so why should we believe you will later? Trump talks tough about dropping nuclear bombs or taking out dictators; Trump has two sons each able to handle weapons when they are on a safari, so ask trump why his sons might not enlist and show the military some leadership skills. Until we stop walking away from the lies, the BS, the propaganda that IS Trump, Trump wins.

Everyone is so appalled at Trump and Co’s behavior, but everyone reports it as if it is not unusual. Trump lies it becomes a fact. Trump lies, suddenly talking heads are on stage debating the relevancy of his stupidity. Who is more stupid, Trump or the people who actually talk about the stupid as if it is legitimate. We know the majority of Republican leadership is more concerned about their party’s future then the future of America so none of the GOP is going to really Stop Trump, so Trump wins. We hear the Dem’s bash one another swearing that if Bernie doesn’t win they won’t vote or if Hillary doesn’t win they will stay home, so Trump wins. Trump wins how does that make any sense at all?

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