Oh Megyn Kelly, wearing the back end of a horse costume can be funny at least one time, maybe twice. When Lucy and Ethel partook in that schtick on “I Love Lucy”, it was hilarious, nothing funnier then being considered the ass. But as I recall, Megyn Kelly, there was never another episode on “I Love Lucy” which was written for anyone playing the rear end of a horse. Somehow Megyn Kelly you have managed to be the tail end of of the horse when it comes to Donald Trump, AGAIN! Is it that you have no self respect, is it that FOX News just pays you too much, is it that respect for women isn’t your thing? Donald did it to you again Megyn Kelly with your latest…”Let’s rediscover the softer side of Donald Trump interview.
As you tried so hard to confront this misogynist regarding his lack of respect for women, and his lack of respect for YOU in particular, all you got in response, was either his lyin’ lips saying meaningless words, like “I did, who me, or the best line being and I paraphrase Megyn Kelly, “I am sure you have been called some names in your life that were worse then BIMBO… You sat there Megyn Kelly demurely, smiled as Donald Trump did it to you again. I hope the pay check was well worth the insults, the lack of integrity, and the obvious lack of respect for or toward you. As I questioned at the beginning of my embarrassment for you, how many times can one person play the ass of a horse?