It was refreshing, it was a week of little angst, no anger, a stomach with no aching throbbing crippling surges of cramping muscle rushing up into my throat causing heart burn. I did it cold turkey, knowing full well I could get the sweats the shakes but nothing Trump, and lots of time with my family. But pretending that not listening, not reading, not discussing the backward motion this nation is taking, did NOT mean, our crash course into loss of freedoms and democracy was not happening. I came home to liars lying, puppets pretending that the first lie was not intended to be a lie, then lying about what was really said…only to deny the excuse for the primary lie and in turn lying so profusely, one might have thought the artery to the heart had been cut open. Republicans so afraid of democracy, that they look the other way and blatantly define themselves as the Party of Death. Affordable Health Care, not if you are poor, no more Public in Public Schools, and certainly no more classes with kids whose special needs make them unique, no more nutrition for the hungry, no more concern for your tired and your poor.
I thought for a moment, that maybe I would be better off, ignoring anything Trump. Maybe, like that child stuck in bed on a dark and stormy night, whose night light just as suddenly grows dark, just as an undefinable shadow is slowly ambling from the opened closet door, I thought I could just place a blanket over my eyes and the monster would disappear. Except, this is not a horror movie, but a real life, matter of life and death, and the monster’s breath is lingering next to my nostrils feeding my nose with horrendous odor and filling my brain with onerous and murderous moments. Anyone and anything Trump is still holding court, demanding their agenda against what might seem the true will and wish of the people who are not corporations.
The bad guys are still in charge, the bad guys are still lying cheating and placing Party over Country. There have been a few skirmishes and the good guys claim victory, but with Trump, the corrupt, corrosive and contempt seems to prevail, and any simple win somehow is replaced with more destruction, division and very soon death. It was refreshing to breath again, inhale more oxygen and less angst, but just like the demise of the EPA, all that fresh air is turning into carbon monoxide and I am once again smothering!