“We came really close today, but we came up short,” Ryan said at a press conference. “This is a disappointing day for us.” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s views on losing the opportunity to discontinue health care for millions of Americans, losing the opportunity to eliminate pre-existing conditions to attain affordable health care, and losing the opportunity to deny women the unique care they require with all those problematic lady parts. The Speaker of the House, the third most responsible in this nation (as long as we still have a Constitution), called it a disappointing day because a large majority of Americans could maintain health coverage.
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. A fair share at the good life, a chance to purchase those boots so you can actually pull yourself up by those boot straps. Nothing wrong with being wealthy but why make it so bad to be poor. Always will be the have’s but how come it seems necessary to make sure there are have not’s? If I am happy, why do I need a enemy. If I am accomplished why do I feel the need to oppress others from achieving their goals? My genetics make me unique, why are others so afraid of the differences, being unique does make you one of a kind. The air I breathe is not just mine and once it gets dirty or stale none of us have a fair chance at inhaling any of it. I choose those I love as do you, why insist my way is incorrect? When is more then too much?
Paul Ryan made a statement, soon followed by Donald Trump that health care for all, affordable health care for all is not truly the right of ALL Americans. I ask why not, and who ARE you to tell me that. The fight is not over. You want more, fine, but don’t provide me with less.