Thursday, March 2, 2017


HOO-EEE, ya’ll, ain’t there some new kind of stinky and sticky pile of MO-LASS-ASSES, ailment goin’ round the Grand Old Party. It seems that Jefferson Beauregard  Sessions is the latest Con Man, err I mean Congress Man to come down with this illness. I do believe it is called Putin-Rhea. It is a tri-convergence of DIARRHEA, when you shit all over America, combined with PYORRHEA, when your mouth is so full of lies it bleeds and a touch of GONORRHEA, when you pretend your love of country is so great that you would never EVER cheat on your true love but end up screwing around on Little Miss Liberty, anyway, giving her all kinds of diseases that will certainly kill her.

I suppose this kind of love affair with anyone Russian is similar to the idea that Orange is the New Black, but this time with the Republicans, it seems Putin is the New Lincoln! Now, just like all of them little Putin puppets, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is a little pissy about this accusation, insisting that when he lied, he hadn’t intended to purger himself, but the people who asked him the questions regarding his communications with the Russian Government, didn’t quite ask the question correctly in the first place. HOO-EE ya’ll ain’t nothin’ more American than the Confederacy, and if that is so, then how could the darlin’ of the Confederacy Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, be guilty of bein’ in CAHOOTS with Putin.

HOO-EEE and damn ya’ll ain’t you now or ever been a member of the Communist Party!