The GOP has become the Party of Death. It is the plan of Steve Bannon to disrupt any government involvement in the every day lives of Americans and to cause a divide in which you either will become the have's or the have not's. The sad thing is, that the GOP still has the support of the Evangelicals, because the only two issues that matter are the denial of rights for the LGBT community, and the denial of reproductive rights for women. As long as the GOP parades around as anti-Gay and anti-abortion, the real tenants of Christianity, which are being ignored do not matter. Trump has never cared for anyone but himself, we knew that, and if anyone feigns ignorance to that fact, then of course they are a KellyAnne Conway fan of alternative news. Perhaps when the low income, uneducated, believing only the news from FOX and Limbaugh begin to get really sick and really hungry, maybe a light will shine in their empty hearted soul… and they will find a new understanding that to hate will never solve any issue…or Steve Bannon's desire to rid this nation of a Federal Government will have succeeded and only the Superior Race will survive!
So it is not of great amusement, nor sheer snide remarks that I rant and rave, it is with greater concern that the saneness of sincerity seems to be going as extinct as the ice shelves, the existence of a variety of endangered species and of course the qualities of life we will no longer enjoy on this place called Earth. Amazing isn’t it, we can adjust a tiny camera lens as it floats on a satellite filming the surface of Pluto, we can produce the most micro of chips to provide communication services, we can build weaponry either so stealth it seems hidden or so powerful that one explosion could destroy life on this planet. Yet the desire for all men and women to ours happiness is too difficult to even attempt.
We are almost 2 months deep into a coup to destroy democracy. We ALL have been witness as day by day a once vibrant political party (GOP) has given in to blackmail and has delved into decimating democracy. We watch as a political party (DEMS) yip and yap, and almost become enablers as they talk, talk, talk and never walk the walk. Steve Bannon, has stated that he does not believe in the structure of government, his stooge, Trump has said what’s in it for me, together they are creating a world similar to the Moon, one side will remain in the light the other side always dark!