Oozing out of the pores of the Republican Party, once again, like a cold sore full of puss, is Ted Cruz. They say boggy men never fade away but remain on the remnants of some dried up spittle stuck in the recesses of a bad dream. Teddy Cruz has reemerged and said, even for him, one of the funniest comments ever, and I quote, “The Republican Party will become a laughing stalk if they don’t pass TrumpCare.” BECOME, Ho’, Boy, Teddy, you have been hiding in the shadows afraid of your constituents way too long, the Will Become a laughing stock has gone way beyond the WILL part you guys and gals have moved into the ARE and WILL ALWAYS remain jokes. Sadly for Americans who prefer democracy over dictatorship/anarchy/ Communist intervention and Fascism, this joke stings!
But since you, Teddy, have not been available for my critiques recently, I actually had to review some of my previous rants and raves regarding you and your saintly family. As I recall, Teddy, your dad Raphael told the world that Jesus spoke to him, quite often, and in quite a few conversations, related to your father that YOU Teddy were anointed a Prophet! Cool, huh!. Then your father, the guy who first thought Fidel Castro was the next best thing, back in the day, also told his pay to pray Evangelical lemmings that Jesus also stopped by and told your father that YOU are the one to become President. There is plenty of You Tube video, Teddy, if you need a refresher on any of this. Oh yeah, right before you announced your candidacy to run for the office of president, your wife the Wall Street Broker, Heidi actually spoke with another group of Pay to Pray Evangelicals telling them in pious and pretentious look, that Jesus actually came into her bedroom, waking her from her slumber to insist that YOU, Teddy, YOU were DA’ MAN, DA’ MAN to be President. We have Heidi on tape, relating her Jesus in my bedroom tale, also.
You didn’t get the nomination Teddy, nope, you actually lost it to a man who had no idea who Jesus was, actually you lost it to a man who insulted your wife, publicly and punitively, You lost it to a shyster, and adulterer, a luster of his own daughter, a liar, a man who had a child out of wedlock. Do you think maybe your dad, Raphael and your wife Heidi pissed off Jesus? What happened Teddy have you and Jesus mined fences. You really think denying Health care to at 24 million Americans is the best way to get back in Jesus’s graces. Oh Teddy, I suppose someone has turned on the light in the kitchen after a spell of darkness, cause just like the cockroaches here you are scurrying around with your face up your ass, looking for something shiny to shit upon!