“…A smooth way forward for our children…” a portion of Melania Trumps four-minute contribution to a conference on Cyberbullying. 535 Orphaned/Kidnapped/imprisoned kids, still separated by Melania Trump's husband, Donald for the simple act of trying to find sanctuary in America, from countries at the ready to make the lives of the innocents and their parents a total Hell. Smiling at the camera’s at least I think so because for it is so difficult to read the squint in her eyes as a sign of emotion or just too much plastic surgery. Dressed in a cute little blouse with a carefree bow, whimsical in a way, as was the intonation from one person of any who could bitch slap her husband’s hypocrisy straight across the American contentment, by simply stating Donald Trump, has created more evil with his Tweets than any other sitting president, he has demonstrated his loathing for the minimum rights of freedom, he has divided families, and he in all the evilness he possesses has the power to change an immoral policy, based on the hope and prayers that a base group of bigots and unintelligent supporters believe will make America great. Melania Trump could have also stated that her “Be Better” bull shit, which permitted her to pretend as a First Lady she actually has a cause is nothing but voodoo, to impress a cult that thinks Trump is cool because he has a real Babe as his wife, his third wife to be sure, with a flurry of other Babes receiving or had received payoffs as Trump dabbled in adultery.
And then Melania, if she REALLY gave a shit beyond her prenuptial contract could have said, I will now stop reading my prepared statements, and share with you my fear that my 10-year-old son, whose father is 72 years, has a role model of sinful self-absorption, who is so insecure he must bully others, and who I try so hard to keep from watching any news except FOX. Then looking straight into the camera, trying to open her squinting poor plastic surgery eye job, could have said, I do not want my son Barron to become someone like Donald Junior, Ivanka or Erik, who greed and gluttony were taught and learned from Donald J. Trump. Then leaning in a bit further, wiping a sort of tear from her prenuptial eyes, also add, BUT I do hope Barron gets a better break than Tiffany Trump, who was the spawn from wife number two, but who might as well been the daughter of anyone secretly invited into the confines of the Trump Tower.
Five Hundred Thirty Five children, over weeks and months, stranded somewhere in old warehouses, left to the curiosities of ICE Agents who suddenly have the power of the Gestapo, unknown as to both their mental and physical health conditions, treated as chattel…and as Melania Trump spoke for four minutes, carrying the power of the White House and office of the First Lady, smiled, nodded her head, and ignored the plight, the pain, the prejudice of 535 lost souls, called children! But not her son, Barron!