Sunday, August 26, 2018

another good guy

How inconvenient, and how rude, another shooting in Jacksonville Florida at a Bar/Restaurant, there had been one at a football stadium two weeks prior…but honestly how inconsiderate of the shooter to try and murder or at least injure innocents on the same day the Republicans are mourning John McCain…I mean honestly how many thoughts and prayers can a person be expected to extend.

But back to the shooting in Jacksonville, this one is really nothing to worry about because it was a white murderer, using one of 3 million available handguns in the United States. Governor Rick Scott tweeted that he would send any and all emergency assistance Jacksonville might need. He also promises to speak with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas victims in Parkland, describing that shortly he would have a roundtable discussion regarding guns, and murderers and the Second Amendment and blah, blah blah…This will fade away as have all other stupid gun violence incidents. Nothing here for Trump to rage over, because I am sure as with Nazi’s, there are some good white guys with guns who eventually shoot to kill humans!