It was Friday, yesterday, August 17, 2018 and I awoke, as I had mentioned in previous blogs, checked my phone hoping to find Trump had been impeached, praying that Putin hadn’t invaded Alaska, wondering if Martial Law had been declared, and worried that the Crusades hadn’t quite reached my front door, the one with a Mezuzah hanging on it identifying that Jews lived here. It was Friday, yesterday, and I heard that the Manafort jury was still deliberating the 18 counts of fraud, money laundering, theft, and God only knows how much payoff to betray this nation. I, out of habit turned on MSNBC, listening to the shock and awe of expressed by not only the Talking Heads but the the Ex-Staffers from a litany of Intelligence Agencies as to the audacious behavior of Trump to create both a Nixon’s Enemy List and begin to establish a McCarthyism system of placing you as a real American (this decade, admitting to liking the Communists), or a bad American, one who favors democracy! I heard the phrase “Witch Hunt” at least two dozen times, watched a con artist amble to his helicopter, once again ripping off the taxpayer, traveling to his Golf Resort at Bedminster, for a working vacation (GAG), asserting that the real enemy is the Press, Nancy Pelosi, and Robert Mueller; waving his hands as if by doing so the world would pay less attention to the lies spoken and concentrate on some kind go hocus pocus, hoping to make all of his evil disappear.
After 15 minutes of what is now considered the NEWS of the day, the took the TV remote, pressed as hard as I could on the OFF button, dramatically threw the remote to our glass coffee table,(thank goodness we spent a decent amount of the thickness of the glass), frightened our dog, Chance, and to no one but Chance and I shouted the following, “FUCK”, “I can’t stand this”, “When will this end”, and “Why is this Asshole still president and not in jail?” In a normal circumstance, I would have immediately rushed to our office and written a blog…but I froze, and a bit of fear started to ooze out of the pores of my skin, trying its hardest to find entry to my brain, being stopped by my gut, but sending a message to my entire being, THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO DO! And, suddenly, just for a few seconds, which seemed an eternity, I believed that Trump had won the battle of Evil versus Good. So, I tried my best to not write about a man and his minions, felt defeated and stayed away from my computer. Finally, thank goodness, the urge to fight back returned and I was able to add a few pieces of advice to other people’s posts and did protest as best I could.
It is Saturday, August 18, 2018, I have yet to watch MSNBC, read any posts from Facebook or even look at my watch. I have returned from my early Saturday walk with Chance, walking on quiet LA streets watching the homeless pack up their tents or blankets, witnessing the crew of brown skin men and women beginning their jobs of either gardening, construction work, walking in and out of the back doors to the various restaurants in the area. I saw a woman almost bent in half filled the filth of a long life of no second chances hunched over looking for plastic bottles to place in her already three large ready to rip at the seams bags, and another person putting make on their face, placing a wig on their head, sitting on one of three suitcases which I supposed was the compilation of everything owned. A car was parked at the corner, waiting for the light to change, and the radio was blaring the news, and I overheard that 500 some kids were still missing from having been kidnapped by the government and that more names were being placed on an ex-security list, by Trump. Chance had pooped and peed and was ready to head home. My stomach began churning, I could feel that heated bit of anger rise, anger and angst caused by the bad guy winning, and I decided that today, I needed to do two things. The first was a vent, and the second was to make sure I NEVER REMAIN SILENT, regarding this perilous piece of history in which I live and in which I must make a difference. Happy Saturday!