Even the two words placed side by side REALITY STAR, sort of makes me want to vomit, as I find them to have no relevance, no reason, and no purpose except to perhaps justify the lack of creative thinking, laziness, and demise in any attempt at culture during the decades of the 2000s. Who could give a real shit about a pretend bachelor or bachelorette, housemates who, in real life would remain homeless due to their extraordinary unacceptable sociable habits, and glamorous ladies whose only talent is to punch someone in the face, the gut, or just be a miserable spoiled brat? We all have our little perks and indulgences, and this opening rant is not denying anyone their “cheat day”, full of sugar and ingredients of fluff and foolish, but for me, sitting, in my American home, confronted, EVERY DAY with a KING of reality nitwits, having scary controls of my life, I am not a happy camper.
So, some unknown wanna be, behaving badly, but so bad she was good enough to catch Trump’s attention is suddenly the “cat’s meow” (an old and trite adage describing the newest or latest in toys). And we now are in love/hate with Omarosa Manigault, because she, being a smart talentless twit of a person, realized that she could trade in her 15 minutes of fame into a few hundred’s of thousands of dollars and at least a 2 month stint on every useless talk show, or be on the tips of many broken talking heads. And that, this being America 2018, the shit Omarosa is selling, is trendy. Some, call her a fraud, a liar, user, a gnat on the tip of a flea. Some dismiss her, and man now have disdain because, Omarosa says she has some of the goods on the bad guy named Trump. Ooooooh Scary!
But folks, Ms. Manigault is not as scary as two other women who caught the attention of Mr. Trump, both a purveyor of the “BABE,” and the woman who can pretend because she is female, somehow she has the respect of other females. There was a trio of Omarosa’s, and two of them are still around spewing the same bull shit, Omarosa swears she has on tape, and dissing the dirt Omarosa says she will discuss, they are Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders and the ever precious and never precocious Kellyann Conway. All she ladies, lied for Trump, all three ladies, supported his misogynist and racist behavior, and all three ladies fought the battle that the truth was fake, and the only news where the Tweets falling from Trump's tiny finger.
But now, one of the trios of sad sack ladies has turned a nasty shoulder and given a very sashay away, and suddenly the same bullshit she had spied as Kelly Ann and Sarah are to be considered just an attempt at a REALITY STAR wanting more. In a sane world who could or would or should care. But my bet, in the time of Trip, is that WE pay more attention, NOW to what Omarosa is saying or all have noted in hr book because when good girls decide to become mean girls, ain’t nothing sacred anymore. So for me, there will be less pooh, pooh toward Omarosa and more, hmmm, maybe Kelly Ann and Sarah wished they had written that book, first!