Dear Laura Ingraham, I know it must be a difficult task to try and out Racist Ann Coulter, to out Douchebag Sarah Palin, to out Con Megyn Kelly and certainly to out Bigot Gretchen Carlson, but Hon, you are the GAL, the LADY with the voice at FOX/Putin News, so half the battle to become one of the most heinous of hateful speech actresses is already in your feed bag. We all know that men rule at FOX/Putin News so you will NEVER ever triumph over Sean Hannity, (unless you perform the same kind of special tricks he must be doing for Trump), but keep on keeping on with your insidious bogus bias and DUDE, or is it DUDE-ETTE, you will become second in line for the being the most ignorant and conservative cartoon character provided by FOX/Putin News. (I am sure you are happy that the groping hands and unzipped zippers of most of the misogynistic Neanderthals have either been fired or taken to court, but BABE, you sound just a MACHISMO as the most insecure of the male sexual harassment creeps FOX/Putin News likes to hire.
Must be nice, Laura, to live in a gilded Ivory Tower, surrounded by the KKK/White Nationalists/and the Tribe of Trump. Trump built and extra swamp aside from the one surrounding him in DC, around you and the lying for money propagandists of FOX/Putin News. One might hope that half of what you say is to titillate the Flat Earther’s/Asbestos is healthy to inhale/and there is good Nazi’s crowd, but for the sake of your children’s future I hope most of your venomous vitriol is an act. If not, someone should call Child Services and have your kids removed from your home.
And speaking of kids, Laura Ingraham, it brings me to the primary purpose of my note to you. It seems that parents of at least 700 kidnapped kids (away at summer camp as you like to pretend) have not received postcards letting their parents know just how much fun they are having. I was a Resident Camp counselor, and I know at least once a week I made sure my campers wrote to their parents, letting their worried families know everything was A-OKAY! Now you seem to have some kind of RELATIONSHIP with the Trump Gestapo, do you think you might be able to pull some strings and see if those ICE Officer, those HHS Counselors/those Homeland Security goons could get their locked up innocent kidnapped campers to write home. Or better yet, Laura, let the parents of the abducted kids know where to locate their children! At our summer camps, we always provide an address and phone number for whatever emergency might arise.
I know, kidnapped kids are old news. You have moved on to more important things like why Putin should be president! If you find time in your bigoted calendar maybe you could help find the kids kidnapped by the government, you know the ones who went camping!