Is it me, honestly, sometimes I think I am the most insightful person in the world, or is it that the Media is just stupid, or just waiting for one more “gotcha” line. For Trump, IT IS a badge of courage every time he is accused of being a Racist Misogynist and even a Nazi. Trump thrives on the love from a base of goons, the foundation of the ignorant…Trump understands calling people of color, dogs, or stupid, or any other derogatory name is one more notch in his limited cult of followers…and the Media plays right into it, boosting the Inane, Insane, Insecure, facade of a human into fame and more prestige. And yet, all I hear from the media is did Trump say the N-word, did Trump call a person of color an inflammatory name, is Trump, a bigot…OF COURSE, HE IS.
Is it me, honestly, I have to wonder why in the world the Media just doesn’t stop asking Trump the obvious, and START asking the Republicans all of them no matter how red a district or gerrymandered a district or however much Putin has paid them…why not ask them…NO pursue them…NO relentlessly nag them do you agree with Trump when he degrades women, do you support Trump when he uses racist slang toward people of color, and if you don’t why haven’t you come public to renounce Trump! It seems so easy. And oh yeah, Media, when you are sitting in front of Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders ask her how she can work for a man who hates women and minorities…then when she defers or protests too loudly, instead of moving on, combine your talents s journalists and ask the same question again, and again, and AGAIN, until either Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders answers you or walks out in huff!
Trump could care less if the righteous are upset, we know that…it's The Republicans and the clan of the cabinet who need to be pushed, who need to be on the record…Trump is proud every time he is accused of the most heinous of actions…his CULT loves it…it makes them braver to try the same terrible things. Is it me, honestly am I the only most insightful person to understand that Trump DOES NOT CARE if he is called names…as long as he believes he is the BULLY, he is cool and comfortable!