A brief Sunday sermon, summarizing the simpleton sitting in the Oval Office, and his sycophant snake oil salespeople, who, aside from their own sick needs, could give one shit about the world in which they live, and the kind of place they desire to call home.
We need to rake leaves better to stop wildfires, a Caravan of rapists, robbers thugs and God knows what else will arrive at our Southern Border in time for Mid-Terms, except maybe after all they won’t. Lying is necessary when the truth is too hard to tell, and when the convenience of make-believe is much more buyable by a bunch gullible gerbils because the voices in your head insist. Money is not the root of all evil, it just encourages evil to take root, and the seeds from evil men can buy you everything but empathy and a conscience.
Everyone and their mother is running for president in 2020, why not because the problems of 2018 are too passe to even pretend to portend, so a bit of pontification will suit the purpose, and we all can make believe, once again, some other superhero is on the road to save us. Imply you know everything, but insist there is really nothing more you can do now, to even out the imbalance of your own ignorance. Poverty is your own fault, the wealthy must maintain all that cash because they are never to blame for your misfortune. Blaming your inadequacies on others and expecting the government to do anything but furnish its own politicians with a lavish lifestyle makes sense. Government is always too big when it assists the little person. Listen as I lie. Look me in the eye, watch em wave my hands, talking without ever moving my lips, but trust everything you don’t see or hear because I said it is so.
Another day, more deaths from fires, same suffering from no real FEMA efforts in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas. Democracy died again in Georgia and Florida, but then like a cat it seems to have nine lives so wait until it’s too late for the next election to pretend to fix it. Jesus’s dad created the world, so why would he invent something called Climate Change to kill it. Be Christian enough to adore the adulterer, grasp the most gluttonous of greedy goons, hate the homosexual, and the immigrant. Remember that women are nothing more than chattel as should be the black person. And God Bless this America with a Zeig Heil, a Confederate Flag, and an AK 45-or 47 depending on how many perceived bad people Jesus told you to kill. It is Sunday, November 18, 2018, and is there really anything new?