It is 9:01 Pacific Coast Time, Hope is having a field day in California…there is still time to STOP, the lying, the cheating, the misogyny, the anti-Semitism, the racism, the bigotry, the bias and the bogus…The heavy cloud of collusion and corrupt crime looms low and wide, but as of now, the possibilities that checks and balances might make a return are enough to urge a sense of an inhale, without thinking one might suffocate. But then this is still 2018, and the Russians, the Trump Crime Family, Comrade McConnell, and the 1% of Dark Money Fascists are alive and kicking. Red MAGA Hats made in China still roam the back alleys of putrid rot, and fear mongering is managing to maintain a momentum, with not much push back.
Grabbing women by whichever body part you want, kidnapping kids because they are brown, shooting people for just sitting in their house of worship, denying anyone LGBTQ equal rights, cutting back on social security, permitting pre-existing conditions to continue to let you die, killing the planet, and diving the nation as to who the good guy MUST be versus who the Bad Guy certainly is…and watching as the man in who Oval Office, takes bribes, pays no taxes, remain a puppet to a foreign enemy…still have ample time to survive and change the world in ways that can never be reversed…OR, MAYBE sense will arrive, a moment of honest, of goodness, of democracy will fall heavy and once again facts will prevail, and dignity for all return not only in Washington DC but for the entire nation!
Please vote, please vote your conscience not just for yourself but for any future generation for which you have compassion, empathy, and love.