When it comes to those who have tapes, and tapes of both audio and video, regarding Trump there is always two sides to the story, in which Trump declares, you know, the truth is not just a one-sided thing…so Putin's things capturing Ukrainian ships and Troops is somehow a debate as to whether or not an American ally has just had war declared on its sovereignty. OR when it comes to owing some murderers hundreds of millions of dollars or accepting illegal gifts and graft, there is always two sides to a story, especially when a pampered Prince, raised in the same privileged world has a Trump Princess, decides to murder a legal alien of the United States. OR, when it comes to Nazi’s and White Supremacists, who are a major voting block of MAGA loving morons, there are good ones and bad ones and of course the old excuse, the fact is never a perfect manner in which to judge the truth. OR, when a good ole’ lynching, is reason enough to support a candidate for Senate, because morals and values are always taken out of hand by liberals who only want the truth, and can not be satisfied by fiction. And an after all an apology, apology, which had to read from a scratch sheet, which never really was the kind of apology in which the words “I apologize were mentioned, instead of IF I OFFENDED anyone. Two sides for Trump, if you can blackmail him, pay off his bills, finance his families businesses, or promise to vote for him no matter how insane and UnAmerican of a fool he is and has become.
And then there are those Enablers, those McConnell type of spineless greedy robots, you know like the Mercer Family, the Koch Brothers and of course Sheldon and Mariam Adelson, who think that money is life, money will permit them to breathe clean air even as the earth dies, or money will act as a moat and surround them from the deadly decisions of poverty, illness, and death.
And worst of all when it comes to Trump, there are the 35% of so-called Americans who believe the South never lost the war, racism is a positive trait Jesus bestowed upon the white folk, and just because their pay to pray religious snake oil salesmen is certain Trump was the chosen one…will also say there are two sides, THEIR SIDE, or the side of the enemy. And Trump remains as Commander-In-Chief, permitting his “just following orders’, premeditated Storm Troopers try and hurt innocents, his steal as much money as you can from the taxpayer Cabinet members, and of course, the Mar-A-Lago leaches hoping to become someone famous, by kissing the ass of a very evil man.
There is right or wrong, good or bad, laws and lawlessness. Oh yeah, there is FACT filled with truth and fiction full of bull shit and lies.