Saturday, November 17, 2018

I don't get it

If I hear one more Talking Head describe the ongoing implosion of Trump, I may implode, myself. If one more overly paid, procrastinator pontificates about the walls closing in, and in and in on Trump, I may have to throw my television set off the balcony as in the movie “Network”, screaming I can’t take this anymore. If I hear one more panel of experts describe the in or out of Nancy Pelosi, as  Speaker describing the newly elected majority in the House of Representatives, using the same sinister, slimy overtly political malpractice terms as are used for the Republicans, I just may have to move to Canada! And on top of all of THAT, if there is one more roundtable discussion regarding who will run for president in 2020, I know I will suddenly explode…

We are faced with a GUY who is crazy, sitting in the White House, with more power to destroy this world than anyone else. We have a Senate Majority Leader as embedded with the Russians as Trump, who cares less about checks and balances and is more concerned about being bribed and worried about he too being blackmailed…We have witnessed Vote Disenfranchisement right in front of our faces in Georgia, Florida, North Dakota…We are covering up the murder of an American journalist by an authoritarian nation, whose own Crown Prince is the murderer and best buds with our own Crown Prince named Kushner… Devastating fires have killed dozens of people, and the answer is the poor planting of trees…Cabinet members are ripping off taxpayers by purchasing lush objects…or insisting on US Marshalls escorting them to the tune of almost $19 million…the Immigrant wife who had her anchor baby in this nation spends ludicrous amounts of money on forays of personal pleasure…the deficit has grown because the wealthy are never satisfied with having too much money, and refuse to pay any fair share of taxes to help this country move forward…Victims of GUN MURDER and their families are still grieving…residents of Texas, Florida, and of course Puerto Rico are still suffering the devastating consequences of no financial relief…asbestos is now cool to inhale…climate change is growing in leaps and bounds…nothing has been done to contain the hacking of our elections…and those are just a few of the immediate issues BUT

We now have to pretend NONE of that IS important, because, bling, bright objects, and bull shit bring in the ratings so all we have time to conduct is the politics of the Congress, a secretive place which plays by its own rules and no mere mortal or is that voter stands a chance of making a difference. Yeh, we voted out some bums, but it seems the remaining bums and the new ones ready to take over are still bums…more concerned with their own little world, then the nation as a whole…and whether it is Cable News or the standard stations…suddenly all that should be relevant, like justice, honor, equality, the Constitution seem too boring of a subject upon which to concentrate…I just don’t get it!