THEN: 2010, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” In 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: "One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, 'You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy,”
NOW: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Democrats of the perils of “presidential harassment” Wednesday, saying efforts to obtain President Trump’s tax returns and conduct oversight of his administration would backfire politically. “The whole issue of presidential harassment is interesting,” he told reporters. “The Democrats in the House are going to have to decide just how much presidential harassment they think is good strategy. I’m not so sure it will work for them.”
Slick Mitch, is even more slimy than Tricky Dick ever was and just as sleazy as and nasty as the Narcissist in Chief- Trump. Of course this current crop of Republican rubber stamped, insecure, paid for by the 1% and scared shitless of the Putin videos, and hacked RNC emails, think most of America is just as stupid as the MAGA (made in China) wearing morons, who would rather their Commander-In-Chief praise the bodies of Confederate soldiers (you know the enemy of the state), rather than wet his suit or muss his hair or have to trudge in the mud to say word one about the Troops who died trying to stop an enemy of the state.
The world of Republicans is full of hypocrisy. The world of Republicans is filled with Christian Crusaders who would rather burn the Constitution and replace it with their Bible. The world of Republicans is a bunch of wealthy, VERY wealthy fools, who do believe money can save their souls…you know the like Jewish donors such as Sheldon Adelson, LGBT Queers like the Log Cabin Republicans, women like Ann Coulter, Marsha Blackburn, and people of color like Ben Carson, and Kanye West (oh yep, he did not receive a good 15 minutes of fame). Slick Mitch is WARNING the DEMS, behave or the American people will get pissed because they love Trump. HUH! But the other thing about Republicans is that they surround themselves with people from FOX News, and nothing says BULL SHIT or FAKE NEWS, or NAZI STYLE PROPAGANDA like FOX News and its slew of empty, useless, paid too well, treasonous treacherous douchebags!
Let’s play the SLICK MITCH game, America is waiting…call us out SLICK MITCH, and hopefully this time the Nancy and Chuck Show will do their best to let you know, we are finished being bullied!