The Nationalist…Trump…providing at least 15000 Troops to secure a border on the South, re-authorizing sanctions on Iran…not explaining the last round of deaths in Afghanistan occurring to the US Troops which somehow secretly, we have forgotten are fighting in a country Trump is fearful to visit…the power in Puerto Rico is not at full capacity and never will be…the Red Hats living in Texas, Florida and North Carolina, still are waiting for FEMA to actually act professionally…Cages of kids collected fort inTexas and now shipped off to their forever orphaned prisons, never again see their brown skinned parents…A man whose own parent arrived in this nation illegally, a man who then married a woman, an immigrant, having three anchor babies…only to leave that woman for a third wife, another illegal conniving shyster, having her own anchor baby and anchor parents become citizens…a man who says if he needs to lie because it might be convenient…a man who knows there are always two sides to a Nazi issue, and only one side when a black man takes a knee, and that being a wrong side…a man pissed he had to pay respects to a bunch of Jews who died praying in a synagogue, because one of his cultists believed Jews are ruining the purity of the WHITE RACE…
The Nationalist…Trump…who inherited a growing economy from Obama, despite the best-laid landmines of McConnell and company, whose own faux political party had such disdain for deficits, raising the US deficit to unbelievable numbers…The man whose own cell telephone is capable of providing any conversation to the Chineses, Russians and even those Iranians…the man who tells everyone to lock her up, or beat the shit out of them, who spews fakes news and has his own government-sponsored propaganda outlet, the FOX…the man who never pays taxes of any kind, and whose Crime Family follows suit…whose BFF is Kin-Jung-Un, or Vladimir Putin…the man whose own cabinet ha racked up more illicit felonies and the graft…the man who wishes to become Hitler…
The Nationalist Trump whose own team of campaign advisors, personal advisors, personal lawyers, family and himself are under summary questionable illegal actions…this man who declared a war would be a good thing, and who considers a Civil War, not such a far-fetched idea…This man Trump has a whole bunch of BUDS, BULLYS, BOZO’S and Bat Shit Crazy men and women running for politics…and the odds ARE still not too certain he, his evil philosophy, philandering and disgusting treatment of our Constitution may not triumph after all…We have two more days to wonder if WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED OR THANK GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID HAPPEN, and freedom may once again find footing in action stepped on, dragged and diluted of the pursuit of happiness for all!