Friday, November 16, 2018


I listened, albeit, I have lessened the amount of time I will permit myself to watch Talking Heads pontificate on what they know very little, as reporters and journalists, declared that Trump is melting down, angry, belittling, bullying, I heard the Talking Heads explain that this IS the new normal…and as usual I became sick inside, feeling a kind of acid reflux mixture of remorse, rot, and ruin try and climb out of my gut. Then I heard the already boring story of who will run in 2020, Jeff Flake pretending he has a backbone, Mitch McConnell, kowtowing to his wealthy donors, and the twenty-million-dollar question of who likes Nancy Pelosi or who doesn’t.  There it was everything to do with ANYTHING, but what mattered.

Here is MY thing…I still believe it does take a village…but it seems as did the American Troops in Viet Nam under the tutelage of Nixon and Johnson, burn down the forests hoping to stop the North Vietnamese from attacking our Troops, the Evil Empire of the GOP do not want villagers to survive, and thrive, and hope that by dismantling any concept of humanity, the enemy will be rid of, forgotten! But as we know and as did our Troops who died during a was of political convenience, that is an impossible task. And as the Talking Heads were laughing, and rearranging their pearl necklaces or expensive ties, and laughing about the NEW NORM, I once again realized just how distant those in Ivory Towers are from anything real.

I have spoken about the lady in WEHO who carries at least four plastic bags, three of them filled with the plastic and glass bottles she collects as she stoops deep into metal trash containers, sipping the remnants of whatever liquid lingered at the bottom, with her fourth bag, from my ability to actually watch, has a collection of rags. There she was again, standing at the trash container, located under the newest KYLIE something or other billboards, advertising that plastic surgery, and tight clothing, combined with a girl on girl kissing is cool, and the thing to think about. I watched as people, stepped away from the WEHO lady with four bags, some laughing at her, others taking time away from their phones to express to their friends how disgusting it was to watch this filthy lady walk down the street. It was hard to zig zag and not disrupt both the people texting and laughing at the woman, plus the lady herself because another overly expensive building was being built, and the crush of people into one single lane was like walking through a very awkward maze. Two men approached me for money, one man, a person I saw the day before was still lying in front of a parking lot, with the same line of liquid stuck to his crotch.  

What has changed, I wondered, and honestly, will it change? And then I had this eerie feeling will anything change…the castle on high may have new owners, but the villages below, will anything be different!