Saturday, December 15, 2018

be loud about this

I am one American, out of millions, but I want to be heard SCREAMING and DEMANDING that MY government STOP, our current Trump administration policy of murdering children, creating Concentration Camps throughout this nation for people seeking asylum, and in particular, the housing of youth as if they were criminals, keeping them locked in detention centers, almost as if these children were wild animals caged and locked away.

I will not be that German villager who heard nothing, or saw nothing, or did nothing when Hitler (another delusional and narcissistic dictator similar to the traits of Trump) decided that a demographic of people were less worthy, less human and less important and decided to separate them and eventually cause them illness, and death.

Suddenly the Southern Border is a THING, and suddenly it is a dangerous THING, one used to frighten the most bigoted and racist of Americans, who need a scapegoat to heal their own sick, sick insecurities. And suddenly the Southern Border, controlled by willing robots, and Nazi-like soldiers, has become a place of hell and horrendous conditions, where families are torn apart, some children permanently orphaned, contained as w wild animal might be, and a place where real danger digs in its heals and can kill innocents, just trying to find freedom and safety. Yes I, Gerry Buncher, and American am not blinded buy the lies and disgust the Trump Administration via the Department of Homeland Security have set in place, pretending that by limiting or eliminating safe asylum centers, or creating impossible living  conditions, will deter people from entering this country to escape the horrendous lives they have lived in Central America. I protest LOUDLY, and will not be one of those German or Polish like villagers who swore on their lives they never knew that the stench was coming from the Concentration Camps or he trains filled with humans as if they were cattle were headed to Concentration Camps, or the their Government, was in the process of demeaning and destroying the lives of innocents.

One young girl, that we know of has died while in the custody of the Border Patrol under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security authorized by the Trump administration, how many more have or will perish. Little babies, have numbers printed on their bodies for identification, like the inmates of Concentration Camps, demanded by the Trump Administration, and adolescents are left alone to live in tent cities, as if they were criminals. I am one American and I DEMAND MY government, not the one hacked into place by the Russians or paid for by the Saudi’s stop this American version of a Holocaust! MY silence would mean death for far too many people!