I am so confused, honestly…now all I hear is how much in disarray, America will fall if the Dems even consider Impeachment of Trump…HUH!!!! So, those Talking Heads and of course hypocrite Republicans tell me how MUCH MORE fucked up can America become considering the following:
The Russian Oligarchs under the tutelage and threat of Putin have paid for and bribed and are blackmailing the man sitting in the Oval Office…God only knows how many Top Secrets have become just mere text messages and emails between Washington and Moscow…Each and every Trump property is getting kickbacks from lobbyist groups, the RNC and from politicians of other nations, hoping for some kind of reward for paying off the Trump Crime Family…Almost everyone serving in the current Trump Cabinet, and those few who have willingly or under great suggestion have left their cushy jobs is on the take and cheating taxpayers of living wages…The count has gorged over 3000 lies so far that Trump has delivered, and the invention of fake news is now a THING…The US is the only nation not to sign on to the Paris Agreement to stop Climate Change…Threats to the Free Press/perceived political enemies/our Allies are a daily occurrence…people working at FOX News are either hired to run Federal Agencies or are on speed dial informing Trump of any policy change/or policy decision…and of course, there are Good Nazi’s….
So, tell me, because I am so confused…how the HELL, could it be any worse for the American people, if IMPEACHMENT is an immediate priority… Trump hates the Constitution, the Republicans, ignore the Constitution…there already is a Constitutional Crisis (and by the way that started when Comrade McConnell decided to inform his rat pack to NEVER permit one Obama ruling to become law/and they never even considered Obama’s suggested candidate for the Supreme Court. So, please all of you who have YOUR heads up your asses and get paid to pontificate regarding the future of this nation, explain to me, HONESTLY…how IMPEACHMENT is not the best idea EVER!