Sunday, December 9, 2018

picture this

Picture this: I return from a week of trying to understand the meaning of life, or perhaps the reason for death…I am not certain which question comes first…I had refrained, as much as possible, (sadly politics…no the question of morals and values in politics is my addiction) so I tried my best to let the Emperor continue to wear no clothes, and ignore the blight and rot he trots around! So, I return from Charlotte and try to begin again, still not sure of where WE as a population are headed. So, it is Sunday, December 9, 2018…I promise myself that one too many postings may be just that ONE TOO MANY…so I set a self-imposed limit on ranting and raving…I had the shakes, I had the hunger pangs, I even had a headache as if I gave up caffeine (even though I hardly drink coffee)…No, I said to no one but myself, today will be a day of rest (I know, I am Jewish and it is Sunday, blah, blah, blah)…I did my darndest and set forth to vent my frustration at the gym…after all being 69 it becomes quite difficult to maintain the luxury of one day off…(maybe I have lived in LA far too long, where beauty ain’t skin deep, it is  ore for show and tell).

I wear my Boze Ear Buds, and decide that I need to hear the music from one of my most favorite musicals, Ragtime, whose storyline, and the theme seems most relevant to the Twilight Zone, an era in which we are living. My anger at the world is drowned out by the voices, the lyrics and the music of artists able to demonstrate the fragility of the world in which once existed and now somehow seems to exist but on a larger and more mean size. All is well, so far. I get the gym, located in the heart of WEHO, and even though the most men and some women there are exact replicas of models, carved in granite, I compare not, my at least three generation older physique, and instead, listen to the words of Ragtime. Nothing seems important for me, it SEEMS, but to understand the purpose of life, when in fact part of that purpose turns into death. I am not depressed, but I am dismayed because thinking this way is so difficult.

And then it is cardio time…and of course, I have a choice of CNN or MSNBC or the Golf Channel. (Three TV’s three channels in the cardio room) And there is one of the most stupid of anchors, Chuck Todd, interviewing one of the most self-absorbed Senators, Rand Paul…asking the most inane questions about Robert Mueller’s investigation…where Rand Paul, says we are making too big a deal over nothing! no, come back from Chuckie Todd, more bull shit from randy, Rand Paul…and I feel the anger swell, from my gut two my heart and finally to my lips, when, I must have shouted fuck you…(probably too loud, since I was wearing my earbuds, I was not certain of the volume of my voice). Then I realized, I still must question the question of life and death…but right now question how the fuck men like Rand Paul can live with himself…and how other men and women can permit him to lie his ass off because all he wants to do is save his own ass. Picture this: I am back!