Friday, December 28, 2018

so sad and pitiful

He told the troops he was fearful, for first himself, of course, then when he noticed Melania had traveled with him, he added he feared for the safety of The First Lady. In Iraq, with men and women who travel on roads filled with the hint of bombs and landmines, through alleys where then enemies of the US might be ready with weapons used to murder the troops instantly, and speaking to men and women who had completed or were about to complete life or death missions in countries filled with adversaries of the US…this “bone spur”I only fire the best people via Tweet or on some reality TV show, compromised Commander-In-Chief …had the audacity, which for him is nothing more than the blood that runs through his orange veins…to tell the Troops he feared for his life.

Still in office…still sharing the secrets which used to keep America a bit more secure from its enemies like Russia or China…still sharing best bud stories with authoritarians like Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, or Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, still touting his lack of knowledge of the Constitution, lying so frequently that totaling his inaccuracies has become boring…still able to decimate any remains of democracy, this perverted unstable, narcissistic ENEMY of the STATE, treasonous, criminal…continues to undermine, the pursuit of happiness of each and every American unless of course their last name is Trump.

Fuck the Federal worker he says, screw the asylum seeker, he screams, fair and equal, bull shit he stammers…I am cool, I am KING and I will hold my breath until everyone else around me dies! And as we continue the shut down, the sharing of top secrets, the too numerous to mention criminal acts, the mounting pressure that Vladimir Putin had declared war on this nation and is winning, and the fact that NO Republican politician has found the decency, the moral fabric, the values, the patriotism to stop this man with the power of checks and balances is the saddest part of the entire nightmare which was 2018 and may continue to be 2019!