As the two dozen Democrat applicants prance and pose, ponder and plead, all wanting to become A Next President, pretending that the present, this immediate moment in which we find ourselves as a nation barely surviving, the Republican Party is in the throes of a Coup, quiet, quick, with the quintessential chaos, only conniving con artists can conceive.
The GOP are both fearful of Trump, but understand that as long as this egocentric, the narcissist can navigate the imbalances of the supposed “checks and balances”, there is free reign for a complete change in our societal, cultural, and policy norms. The sudden rush of creating Handmaiden’s, the surge of Life term ultra conservatives approved to sit on the bench, the mere silence by the Republicans, that ANY PRESIDENT CAN COMMIT ANY CRIME AND NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, would, in any other world cause a major REVOLUTION, and the revulsion by the American people would act like a tsunami wave and Trump would be out of office.
I am not certain what I as an American do any longer. The total nonsense of even debating words like Impeachment or not stuns me, the inaction of the GOP to act in a democratic meaningful way, not being met with total outrage by that state’s population in the Purple States, amazes me. Bull shit are we or are we not in a Constitutional Crisis, we are drowning in AUTHORITARIAN waters and the only response comes from a tepid Democrat House of Representatives, clueless media like MSNBC and CNN, and the only ones with any life rafts are the Washington Post and New York Times!
There will be no free elections in 2020, as long as Trump remains in office. The newly hacked Governor of Florida already gave that clue away when he pretended some of his districts were hacked in 2018, but not enough to make a difference. The incoherent and idiot of economics is pledging more money to Farmers so less will be used for Medicare Medicaid and Social Security. Like Presidents before him, Trump will use the excuse of war to dangle a shiny object pretending to be Patriotism, men and women will die. And all along each and every day, Putin and his Oligarchs tempt and tease a Band of Treasonous Brothers from the GOP to permit the slide of American civilization and freedom into a pit of dictatorship and destruction. And the fucking kicker, IS the same people who pretend that polling means one damn thing talk and talk and talk as if those numbers count. Either Trump and his Crime Family have broken laws or not…we have evidence they have, yet Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer play politics as if this was another “Pleasant Valley Sunday,” than “Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie”