Wednesday, May 22, 2019


a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. a person who is tricked or duped.a living creature killed as a religious sacrifice.

Trump, you are NOT the victim, ya’ want to know who is, A VICTIM because OF YOU:
The five children who died while in the custody of the American Gestapo called ICE/Border Control, with extra credit to Kristjan Neilson and John Kelly. The thousands of kids separated from their asylum-seeking parents, and those who may never EVER see reunite with their parents again. Trump, you are NOT A VICTIM, but the women in the states run by Male Pigs and their misogynist female enablers, who face prison or murder because they no longer have control over their own reproductive rights. Trump, you are not A VICTIM, but the Constitution of the United States and the American citizens who have lived and prospered under its jurisdiction we are the victims.

Trump, YES, you are a liar, a thief, a criminal, an agent for a foreign enemy, a con artist, a money launderer, you obstruct justice, and you are an adulterer, BUT you are not A VICTIM. Ya’ want to know who IS A VICTIM! The LGBTQ community for which you demonstrate little to no desire to accept freedom and equality. Jews, yes Jews, Trump, maybe not your Princess Ivanka or the Prince in Waiting Jared, or Sheldon Adelson, but the rest of the Jewish community for whom you have declared there are good Nazi’s. People of Color are victims in your world of apartheid and segregation, your insecure hatred for anyone not white enough or is it orange enough like you.

And sadly, but then they are identified as SELF-VICTIMIZED individuals, so how sad can one be, are the West Virginia and Kentucky Coal Miners, the Mid-West Farmers, the Factory workers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio, who fell for your bull shit and most insincere lies about making America great, again! Cry me a River, Trump, but you are NOT a VICTIM, the United States via McConnell and his blackmailed Republican Party, and of course your Crime Family, we are the VICTIMS. A joyous day when you finally go to jail!