Chump: a foolish or easily deceived person.
A chump is a sucker or a fool — someone who is very gullible. If a con artist cheats you out of money, you may end up feeling like a chump. Chump is a very informal word for someone who falls for every trick and scheme, or who believes everything you tell them. The word chump first appeared in the beginning of the 1700s as a combination of the words chunk and lump, or perhaps derived from the Old Norse word Kumba which means block of wood.
Synonyms. (an unintelligent person): blockhead, idiot, dope, dolt, dunce, dummy. (a Someone who does not understand the basics of life on earth. Confused easily.
gullible person): gull, sucker, dupe, sap, dummy, patsy, pigeon. See also Thesaurus: dupe.
Not a single person requested to appear before the House of Representatives, by invitation or subpoena APPEARS. William Barr insists that he and only he understands both the law of the land and the interpretation of the Constitution! Chairmen of a variety of Committees run by the House, chaired by the Majority Party INSIST, DEMAND, get jerked off by Trump and his Republican Enablers. All kinds of fact are available to call criminal intent, criminal activity. Two dozen wanna be Presidents run amuck not certain if they should just tell it like it is, as does JOE BIDEN, WHEN HE SAYS HE IS RUNNING AGAINST TRUMP, or if they should pretend that there is no mockery of the democratic process to see, and the real people of America only want to talk about real issues…as if any of those REAL issues will ever find footing as a law, unless it is to prohibit abortion, detain and murder innocent immigrant children, deny any privileges to the LGBTQ community, continue to give the wealthy more tax breaks, or play head games with the Chinese, and of course threaten the Iranians to oblivion.
New information has been disclosed of between the douchebags of Deutsche Bank covering up the facts of money laundering regarding the Trump and Kushner Family and in coordination with Russian Oligarchs, and Trump’s personal attorney’s had given permission to Michael Cohen to lie, lie and lie to Congress. And Speaker Pelosi insists she needs more reason to even say the word IMPEACHMENT! It took a Republican Congressman, Justin Amash to spell out clearly and perfectly why Impeachment hearings should proceed. So tell me Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer, and all of the Democrat Chair People in the House, who is the CHUMP…the US citizen, YOU, Trump and his Enablers. Are you interested in saving Democracy, or more intent on thinking (as a CHUMP) that somehow there is more at risk for the future like YOUR OWN political professions or the future of permitting Trump even one more day of free reign to REIGN DOWN TERROR on this nation? CHUMP: a foolish or easily deceived person.