Monday, May 6, 2019

The Wooden Spoon

Way back in the days of the mid 20thcentury , whenever my mother found having four kids a bit frustrating, and wanted a little help around the house (her job was cleaning, cooking, washing, shopping and I imagine if she needed to, chopping wood, and no she did not wear a pearl necklace or diamond bracelet when she did housework), she would threaten us with the Wooden Spoon (a large utensil used, usually for stirring or baking) taking hold of it usually standing in the living room waving it back and forth and in her loudest voice, which never amounted to more than a murmur, threated she would smack our tushies if we didn’t HELP! Usually, she wanted HELP when later that day company was arriving for a holiday event. She never ever used the spoon on us, and the only time I heard the smacking sound of the spoon, was when she inadvertently slapped it against the palm of her hand to demonstrate the nightmarish severity of wood on the tushie! If my father was not working (as a policeman he had a variety of shifts so often times he was not around to witness my mother’s torment) but my father would assist my mother’s urging for HELP by swearing he would remove his belt and THAT LEATHER STRAP on a tushie would REALLY hurt, even more than the WOODEN SPOON. That never happened either, but at least my father would give chase, so a kid, you had to really move quickly! Eventually, we would all HELP, because the biggest and best threat was that no one would receive any of my mother’s home cakes or pies. 

2019, and the Attorney General is ignoring the request of the Judiciary committee to both testify before them and supply the entire unredacted Mueller Report, regarding the crimes committed by Trump, who happens, by the will and grace and hacking of Vladimir Putin to be sitting in the White House! Our Constitution is on the side of the request by the Judiciary Committee to have Barr speak before that committee, as well as provide the necessary paperwork. A subpoena will be issued and ignored, and Barr will be held in contempt…BUT in the ERA of Trump, who has NO respect or use for the US Constitution, and has NO idea of how the government of this nation via checks and balances had worked…in this time of real crisis (YEP, you Trump voters or Hillary haters, or Bernie or Bust, or my vote doesn’t count, Susan Sarandon’s, Third Party jerks, along with the enabling Republican leadership), this nation is right at the point of a revolution, not for Freedom but for a revolution of  Authoritarianism to rise and conquer us all. The Dems can threaten subpoena’s contempt citations, but without one single GOP vote, none of that will amount to shit!

My parents God Bless them both tried their best to act tough, to set rules, even going to the extent of the WOODEN SPOON, or the BELT, but chaos reigned, anyway. At least in our house, the real threat was no homemade DESSERT. Oh, yeah, and now we hear Trump talking about redoing his first two years as if he has the power to do so…you know, he just might!