It has been DIFFICULT for me to be brief in expressing my concerns for the future of this nation with regards to our democracy and, albeit a flawed democracy, because I am witnessing the emergence of an authoritarian regime, nurtured by the Republicans, and seemingly enabled by the Democrats. The GOP understands how to play dirty and care less about the body count of those whose lives they have destroyed while they enjoin Vladimir Putin in diminishing the freedoms and liberties of this nation. The Democrats have demonstrated a vagueness, a veiled vision of any game plan, especially one with as much grit and grime, sinister and insidiousness as the Republicans. It is asDemocratsemocrats still believe that in the year 2020, America might still function as a law-abiding country, and in November of that year actually hold honest and fair elections. And in the dream world of let’s do things slowly, never surely, the Democrats provide more ammunition to be stored by men like McConnell, Barr, Giuliani, and Trump, permitting the erosion of America to happen at a much quicker pace than the dangers of unchecked climate change!
DANGER, DANGER WILL ROBINSON…Not one Republican from Aunt Bea (Susan Collins), to Preppy Man, Mittens Romney, to Marco (when I need some PR I pretend to care) Rubio, is going to break ranks with the Communist Manifesto…oops I mean the Sean Hannity/ Republican/Theocratic/FOX News Manifesto, and take any action to Impeach, remove or jail the Compromised Russian Agent, named Trump. Sorry Speaker Pelosi, really sorry useless Minority Loser Schumer, I know you are trying Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Elijah Cummings…but ladies and gentlemen as the character, Sonny Wortzik, played by Al Pacino stated in the movie ‘Dog Day Afternoon’ while being arrested:“When I'm getting fucked I like to be kissed.” This at the conclusion of a robbery should have taken 10 minutes. 4 hours later, the bank was like a circus sideshow. 8 hours later, it was the hottest thing on live T.V. 12 hours later, it was history. And it's all true.