The full name of the day commemorating the victims of the Holocaust is “Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah“– literally the “Day of (Remembrance of) the Holocaust and the Heroism.” Reflection upon this time in history took place from May1, 2019, until the evening of May 2, 2019.
In the early 1950s, education about the Holocaust emphasized the suffering inflicted on millions of European Jews by the Nazis. Surveys conducted in the late 1950s indicated that young Israelis did not sympathize with the victims of the Holocaust since they believed that European Jews were “led like sheep for slaughter.” The Israeli educational curriculum began to shift the emphasis to documenting how Jews resisted their Nazi tormentors through “passive resistance”—retaining their human dignity in the most unbearable conditions—and by “active resistance,” fighting the Nazis in the ghettos and joining underground partisans who battled the Third Reich in its occupied countries.
On Thursday, May 2, 2019, William Barr was asked to report to the US Senate’ Judiciary Committee, as the Attorney General, the American public might assume that being THE TOP OFFICIAL for Justice, only truth and honesty, and the willing WANT for JUSTICE would spew from Mr. Barr’s mouth, flooding the Senate Chamber with the true essence of a democratic will and way. Instead, the Attorney General relinquished his role as America’s top lawyer and replaced his love of country for servitude toward Donald Trump, whose only love currently is self-preservation, and a perversion of the US Constitution and its once proud permission of “checks and balances”
And now, even if your head has been up your own ass or the ass of your best friend or family member wearing the red MAGA hat, you might want to wipe off the FOX News Bull Shit, the Evangelical Pay to Pray mumble jumble, and your White Nationalism/Son or Daughter of the Confederate States slime, and realize that the Russian invasion of the US has been successful and the newly minted Republican Comrades and the extra special Republican Oligarch Treasonous men like McConnell, Nunes/Pence, and the entire Trump Crime Family are ready to jail, cage, and murder.
I had always wondered, as I read and re-read regarding the German Nazi rise to power, as had the young Israeli’s of the 1950s how and why something so OBVIOUS and HEINOUS, could, right in front of our own eyes, HAPPEN. Sadly, as history will do, minus emotion, it WILL repeat itself. Now the question for ALL Americans, how do we react…with passive resistance or active resistance!!!