Sunday, November 3, 2019


“There was a time our happiness seemed never-ending, I was so sure that where we were headed was right. Life was a road so certain and straight and unbending, Our little road with never a crossroad in sight. Back in the days when we spoke in civilized voices. Women in white and sturdy young men at the oar. Back in the days when I let you make all my choices. We can never go back to before.”(‘Back to Before/Ragtime Musical/Lynn Ahrens) One more well dressed, I have just written a book, I very recently began my own startup company, look at the cacophony of genders and colors and young and old, I know all, but actually know nothing, I have spoken to sources, oops, time for a break, GAGGLE of Talking Heads, trying to ‘splain to me the simple fact that with Trump, from the very beginning of his announcement to run for office,  to the very last lie or Tweet, that in fact, we have a dolt, IS NEWS, and is manipulated by money, owned and operated by Putin, shitting on the constitution of which he has never read nor believes…HAS one iota of relevance to whatever the fuck he wishes to do and DOES…I think I will internally combust! The 3 million or more vote lead by Hillary, the unexplained vote count of certain states with just enough of a percentage of majority of votes in those states (The antiquated Electoral College), hacked and highjacked by whomever it be, the Russians, or the Republicans, and somehow we are still debating the IMPEACHMENT of Trump. We never let our babies walk around with poop in their diaper, the first reason, it is uncomfortable for the baby, second, it is unhealthy for the baby and third, it stinks and stinks and stinks…we wipe the shit and change the diaper…those of us who are compassionate and responsible and mature adults!

“There are people out there, unafraid of revealing, That they might have a feeling, Or they might have been wrong. There are people out there, unafraid to feel sorrow, Unafraid of tomorrow. Unafraid to be weak. Unafraid to be strong.” (‘Back to Before/Ragtime Musical/Lynn Ahrens)Fuck each and every so-called Christian Evangelical American Taliban Pay to Pray, and Pray on the insecure, inferiority complexed fool, and double FUCK the hypocritical gerrymandered, bribed by Lobbyists, and scared shitless by some amorphous idea that they will be ‘” PRIMARIED,” politicians who live off the dole of the taxpayer, yet provide the same taxpayer with the same socialistic perks they receive. Triple FUCK both groups for pretending that Trump is above any law, both SECULAR and PAROCHIAL! And quadruple the FUCK as the pundits report on nothing but the same ringing of the hands just so they can keep their paychecks flowing…as rivers of corrupt, crime and criminality flow freely flooding the freedom of this nation!

“There was a time when you were the person in motion. I was your wife, it never occurred to want more. You were my sky, my moon, my stars, and my ocean. We can never go back to before. We can never go back to before.” (‘Back to Before/Ragtime Musical/Lynn Ahrens)My closet has burned down, it was a sad and dreary cave. The women in my life, be they family or friends, or coworkers are as equal as I am and have the same freedom of choice regarding their bodies as I do! My friends and family of color, my friends who just happen to be immigrants, my friends and family who may love someone of the same-sex, or love no one at all WILL enjoy the possibilities this nation CAN offer. BUT I will NO LONGER, debate, or even try to find a consensus, with ANYONE who does not agree with those terms. I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO BEFORE!