So its hoe, hoe, hoe, Black Friday, the official kickoff when we are now permitted to, or is it ordained by the government to say Merry Christmas, make America Christian again, and celebrate just what a Captain of Capitalism Jesus Christ had been. Today IS the day in the format and frenzy of religious beliefs as to how gifts should be purchased to honor the birth of Christ baby, (shoving, kicking, pulling, and threatening) and today is a showcase, the apex the demonstration of the mercy and kindness, grace and sharing that Jesus brought unto this world, like greed, gluttony, and acts of grab and go are performed, by those still believe that Christmas is nothing unless you get something for free!.
But I digress, and if we were not living in the age of Trump (remember he is the heralded one to take the place of Jesus…just ask each and every Pay to Pray Evangelical Snake Oil Salesman who lay hands upon him and threaten the rest of the nation a vote against Trump is vote for the Rapture to arrive sooner than originally scheduled.), I would rant and rave about the joys of gotta have and gotta have now…but there is more to this blog than something we all know too well.
In case you have forgotten, and oh Dear Lord, you know the GOP Christian Evangelical American Taliban hope you have…forgotten…we still have kids in concentration camps, kids separated from their families held in some obscure old Wal-Mart Warehouses, and kids as we speak placed for adoption. (Now ain’t that a kick the American pants, we hate brown-skinned people, but their kids, well they are yummy enough and cuddly enough to adopt, of course for a fee, a Betsy DeVos would have it no other way. So, the OFFICIAL Season kicks off of kicked off at 5:00 Thanksgiving Eve, I want a special shout out to four MAMA’s who I am certain are making sure their offspring are fed, educated, staying safe, and of course getting a whole bunch of gifts to honor Christ. To you Kristjan Nielson, you Goebbels like Trump creation, sorting kids like they were items on a shelf, not giving one shit about the rest of THEIR lives, and to you Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, all gussied up like a pig with lipstick oinking one lie after another regarding the separation of kids, and to you Kellyanne, no last name needed, cause evil is all that would follow anyway, betcha you have no more shits to give aiding abetting Trumps Racist act of genocide. And to all of the mothers or wives of the ICE and Border Agents who loved the idea of kicking and pushing and abusing someone else’s kids, ain’t this season of giving fucking fun!
It is Black Friday, and many an American will act the fool, thinking to buy as many gifs for their children is what Jesus wished for his upcoming birthday, and then there will be those parents who only wish they had their children to wish a Merry Christmas!