Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring. The Sound of Silence Based on this information and the aforementioned studies, it can be determined that silence does have a sound. ... In space, there is no sound, yet even if one were to hold their breath and stop their pulse, they would still experience the internal hum of tinnitus.The quietest place on earth, an anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota, is so quiet that the longest anybody has been able to bear it is 45 minutes. Inside the room it's silent. So silent that the background noise measured is actually negative decibels.
Avram Finkelstein knew activists often used posters to communicate political messages not represented in the mainstream. He proposed to the group they create a poster that distilled their ideas and conversations. They decided upon the phrase “Silence = Death” and adopted it as the name for their formerly anonymous collective. The poster, created by Finkelstein, Brian Howard, Oliver Johnston, Charles Kreloff, Chris Lione, and Jorge Socarrás, featured an upturned pink triangle above the message “Silence = Death,” both set against a stark black background. At the bottom of the poster was a series of pointed questions about the AIDS epidemic aimed at the viewer. If silence equaled death, then these questions asked the viewer not merely to contemplate but to act. As Finkelstein explained.
Silence is deadly when it goes unopposed, by even a single voice. I was called a liar today on one of my rants and rages regarding the degradation, hypocrisy, and support by the current crop of Evangelical American Christians acting as a Christian version of the Taliban, wanting to spread a Christian version of Sharia Law in the United State. Facts it seems matter less and less and even when facts are viewed or heard. I no longer give one shit to those whose inability to see the truth, have hurt feelings, and begin to lash out that the evident is not EVIDENT at all. There may have once been a time to have civil discourse on right vs wrong, good vs bad, truth vs lies, law vs crime…but the luxury of those days is gone. I will not remain silent, nor permit silence in the form of denial permeate in the environment in which I find myself. Many Evangelicals want this nation to become a Theocracy, a Christian Authoritarian Nation, and they are loud and proud about their desires. There are too many Christians out there pretending that turning the other cheek (another negative form of silence) is the best way to either ignore the truth or perhaps confront the evil churning from within their own religion. Today, someone said I should stop lying about the Jesus Crowd who supports anything and everything Trump. I at first pretended this was debatable…but as I responded with my points of view, I realized they were NOT MY points of view, but ME viewing the point that Evangelical of great Leadership and Following have provided a criminal, a liar, a psychopath, and adulterer, a path forward…and to ignore that as a Christian or to deny it makes you an ENABLER, a guilty accessory. I have a moral obligation to speak out and speak up and speak against… Lawrence O’Donnell opened and closed his show on Thursday with two words…MORAL OBLIGALIGATION, and asked if not, now, when? I am a participant in this moment of living history, so I too, have a moral obligation to chastise, criticize and correct you, me, us, they, them, for any form of SILENCE continued being held on to. No time to debate your guilty conscience…not now, not ever again!