Monday, November 18, 2019

Cedars Sinai

I had no idea, that I could feel more pain and angst, make that in an existential form, then the blatant good versus bad, right versus wrong universe Trump and his Russian Republican Enablers had created and still DO maintain. In the past year, I had lost the lives of a special aunt, my oldest sister, my very favorite kind and gentle brother in law and my nephew for whom I sill grieve and have no idea how his family copes each and every day. Trump IS, was and remains dangerous  and the no voices, the lets remain cautious voices, we will kiss your ball, slurp on your turd voices, the I had no idea Trump was all of his voices, and the FUCKING SILENT voices who just wiggle their useless fingers and hands, pretending that Bernie or BUST, Never Hillary, or no vote is MY vote, should all rot in HELL. 

I have needed to be heard and was, UNTIL I heard my arthritic left shoulder shout pay attention to me, and I had a full-blown, French Reversal shoulder replacement. My pain, the pain DRUGS and what I learned regarding GOOD Post Op Care and NO post Op care made a difference, and much to my chagrin, I had to remain rant free, as my condition was and has been terrible. I am lucky, I have Medicare, so almost 100% of my agony was paid for, and so the hospital could do and did whatever they desired and still will get paid. BUT WHAT THEY DID, was a farce a slap in the face, who the fuck cares, and this IS one of the best-known hospitals in LA Cedars of Sinai. It seems Cedars ran out of beds…uh huh what how you say…I planned this operation 4 months ago, but no beds at the INN, so Cedars Sinai, all proud of themselves created something Overflow. With nurses called FLOATING POOL. And there I was from approximately from 9:30 am until 8:00 pm, in some old unit without doors or rooms, or one fucking caring nursing staff from the POOL to check on my vitals, my bed linen, I slept in my own little well of urine, but I got plenty of intravenous drugs I guess to keep me behaving! I used that useless little nurse's station beeper to no avail, and all I heard was how much the nurses got paid for overflow duty. Maybe it was a staff change, but at 8 or somewhere around there a Registered Nurse and his Assistant stopped in to introduce themselves and grew quickly appalled. Where my new antibiotic dip, why was my bed wet, you have high blood pressure. They entered my world and it changed.  All night long In pleaded to see a “Suit”, you know the people in administration, but not unit around 4 in the morning did one emerge…and she was with her I-Pod, look of concern and lots of forms, but no answers, except this, IS Plan B and how wonderful Cedars Sinai was to have it in place. She asked me what I wanted at the time. I said a room and as soon as the morning comes someone with real power to come to see and apologize. She froze…but is there anything else…I looked at her and said, I told you, now you can go away…and she did.

Life found footing and a completely new group of FLOATERS came on shift…they took great care and but I urged them to free me from this insidious prison. Finally, maybe at 7 a woman, all coiffed and ready to defend Cedars Sinai walked in, introduced herself as a Patient Relationship Talking Head, had the audacity to say I heard it has been rough. I said I am on enough drugs so I will not tell you to go fuck yourself, but if I hear you mutter the words “thoughts and prayers”, I will tie you to this bed. She quieted down…and, of course, asked what I want…out of this jail, I said, a real room, and some above your pay scale to apologize to me…well, Gerry she said, Cedars of Sinai is proud we have a plan B, no rooms are no rooms… I asked if Magic Johnson or Madonna or Trump stopped in would they be down here…she smiled, and never answered my question. There are worse things in the world, I know…but I was silenced, which was WORSE than anything. CEDARS SINAI, the PREMIER LA hospital in LA if you got the bucks. I have more doctors to see, but I will make certain I am never again SILENCED…I am back not at full blast, but for those who wondered…it was my POOR, UNPROFESSIONAL CARE by the FLOAT POOL  of NURSES at CEDARS SINAI, and their “let them eat cake”, OVERLY PAID ADMINISTRATORS. SILENCE IS OVER… oh, there is so much Trump anarchy to get to! And as I was leaving, CEDARS SINAI DUNGEON, I heard the nurse in some distant hallway tell her friend, they are bringing the EXCESS EMERGENCY ROOM patients next! Oh Dear God!