“…In my sleep I see her begging
Reaching police
Although her body's not mine
I ask now I do, now I do
She's just like you and me
But she's homeless, she's homeless
As she stands there singing for money
La da dee la dee da… La da dee la dee da…” (Gypsy Woman/Crystal Waters)
An overcast, 50 shades of gray kind of day (no sexual reference, just the mere idea that grey on the East Coast has that many hues of one of the most mundane colors, after, the first place, BEIGE…but imagine how much of a non-best seller 50 Shades of Beige would have been?) Gloomy outside, looking like a 1950’s motel on old Route 66, the clouds seemed bored and just hung low and still, there was no wind, and if you really concentrated you could hear Mother Nature moaning about not giving a shit, at least in my town of North Truro!. Mother Nature might be bored on the Cape, but damn she has been mighty busy on the Gulf Coast, and in particular, the state of Louisiana and the city of New Orleans. (August 23 to August 31, sixteen years and a few days ago, Katrina paid a visit, and emphasized how unprepared and disconcerting our Federal Government was and how poorly its leadership CHOSE to fail).
But believe it or not, that is not my gripe, today… (I could write a dissertation about how we can maintain satellites at the edge of the universe but have no idea how to keep levees from flooding or power outages from happening). No, my gripe is about the callous and almost cavalier comment made on the Weather Channel regarding HOMELESSNESS. It seemed one of The Weather Channel’s look at me I am dressed in North Face/Eddie Bauer cool weatherproof clothing, paid to entertain and not educate, was preaching that everyone should stay home in New Orleans…pausing a minute and clarifying his statement…by saying…” except emergency responders…AND THEN, THE HOMELESS,” adding, “but then every large city has a HOMELESS POPULATION, so you know, they will be outdoors, I guess!” to say the least THAT PISSED ME OFF… OH HECK, OH DARN, OH GEE, THE HOMELESS, why if they knew better they would not be homeless because WE ALL KNOW, suffering and misery are something all of us wish for, FOR OURSELVES AND THOSE WE LOVE! FUCK YOU WEATHER CHANNEL TALKING IDIOT!