Tuesday, August 17, 2021

no compassion

 Op-Ed: As a doctor in a COVID unit, I’m running out of compassion for the unvaccinated. Get the shot. A doctor featured in a Times article published Sunday on the latest wave of COVID-19 speaks for herself in a searing letter to unvaccinated people. (LA Times)


com·pas·sion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.


A partly cloudy day in North Truro. August 17, 2021, to be exact. The loud cacophony of the August Bugs (those were the less creepy-crawly insects that suddenly found their voices and their lights when August meandered onto the calendar way back when I was a kid in Pittsburgh and played a light and sound show kind of symphony announcing the end of summer and the start of fall. And worse their arrival predicting the imminent beginning of SCHOOL.) This, all mixed with the first leaves dressed in a hint of red have made their appearance, and I even saw a commercial for Pre-Season Football, and for the Patriots… (I am a die-hard Steelers Fan). The dog days of summer in a wimpy kind of way, have tried to infect the morning and afternoon hours, but this year to little avail, due to the change in climate, causing a less of a what the fuck kind of reaction. Standing in my backyard, as puffy clouds taking on the shapes of the most inanimate of objects and actually wildlife, whisked by, I closed my eyes and for a second, as a breeze whispered something a bit garbled, but nonetheless a message, I thought, Ahhhhh, safe, sound, secure and sanity!


I then remembered, that somehow in this nation, sanity and safe, do not equate to security, and the sounds I actually hear consist of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM/PERSONAL FREEDOM/FUCK YOU IF YOU DON’T WANT ME TO BREATHE ON YOU/ and ONLY COMMUNIST NATIONS WILL MAKE YOU WEAR A MASK! Death, doom, dying, destruction, selfish, self-serving, me, me, me… I no longer have compassion for those who have decided that PRE-MEDITATED MURDER AND SUICIDE are the answer to COVID. And like the Doctor, if I am so sick and tired of your sheer STUPIDITY!