To vote or not to vote…that is the question, “To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?” (William Shakespeare)
Amazing, I say, quite the perverse kind of amazement, indeed! Somehow the Democrats in the Senate, prefer a quiet waltz as they slowly gavotte around the Senate Chambers all acting as if tomorrow will never come, as the Republicans are doing a dangerous tango, knowing that sooner than later it WILL be that tomorrow, and once again the Democrats will be in the minority, shut out and left out of governing. Talk, talk, talk, as if words somehow will get the attention of a scrupleless and immoral Mitch McConnell. Lines in the sand, which when the next day arrives the sand has shifted, and the Democrat lines vanish, and the sand is without lines, borders, or ultimatums. And as all of this Passive-Aggressive behavior rages on behalf of whatever confab of so-called leadership from within the Democrat Party, Moscow Mitch is scheming, conniving, and most likely hiding his stash of 1% Traitor Donor money in one of more of his off-shore accounts.
Somehow, We The People, are being told that hidden next to Jesus Christ is the official God of America, the Founding Fathers said the word FILLIBUSTER. WTF! First, the FILLIBUSTER is just one more toy invented by the original Boys Club, the Senate, and second of all, I bet a LARGE MAJORITY of Americans actually have no idea what a FILLIBUSTER is or is not. BUT like all Republican Conspiracy fiction, Moscow Mitch and his Klansmen and women, are pretending that without the FILLIBUSTER, Democracy is doomed. Holy Shit Shakespeare, are the Democrats that bat shit crazy, that inept or even that much of weak-kneed wussies, to not quote you and “… to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?”