Wednesday, August 25, 2021

no time at all

 I woke up, reached for my phone, (somehow I can no longer use the toilet without having a phone in my hand), headed into the bathroom after the facial recognition kicked in (the I phone still has a problem identifying me while wearing a mask and sunglasses, but bed hair, bad hair, and bedroom sour face, has no problem with my I-Phone). As I was about to officially begin my day (we all know what that translates into), I took a peek at the face of my I-phone, and suddenly it was as if I was on an acid trip (only once in my life, and never again, as I am a control freak), and dancing across my eyeballs were the words, DOOM, AND GLOOM! I immediately placed my phone on the little plastic charger, and said to no one but me and Albert Einstein, (I think of him because he said all our energy will float into space), NOT TODAY, NO, NOT TODAY! I must add, here, that this trip to the toilet was the fastest EVER, for me!


So, today, I thought, I will reminisce about the bad old days, which at the time seemed bad, but compared to the co-joined years 2020/2021, those bad years actually were at least more tolerable, and suddenly morphed into the good old days. Of course, I am talking about Pre-Fascism/Pre-Putin’s Puppet/Pre- Right in your face Authoritarianism Days. (seems like eons ago).


Those were the days, when I ranted and raved about people on cell phones walking into me, never looking ahead just at their phones…The days when three people would walk on the sidewalk and never move out of the way when it was approaching them from the opposite direction… The days when drivers would triple park and their only acknowledgment of anyone trying to pass them was the raising of their middle finger…The days before the “I want to speak to your managers, were NOT NAMED KAREN…The days, when people did not clean the dog poop off of a sidewalk, pretending they just planted a flower bed… AHHH, I thought, placing my phone face down, not looking at NEWS Notifications, CNN headlines, etc., who KNEW how many shitty things in hindsight were shitty but never smelled as much as the crap of today!


Oh, it's time to start livin'

Time to take a little from this world we're given

Time to take time, cause spring will turn to fall

In just no time at all....(No Time At All/Stephen Schwartz)