Saturday, August 28, 2021

To Spew

 I have grown quite tired of a few subjects:

Ashli Babbitt stormed the Capitol with the intention of joining a group of treasonists/insurrectionists/ domestic terrorists in an attempted coup of our government…enemy combatants, even dressing in a matching mask and scarf risk being killed for trying to kill our democracy!...20 years a war, Trump sided with the Taliban having had them promise to NOT kill any Americans while Trump remained in office but looking the other way as they accumulated more and more power. Trump gave no shits about the Vets who forged a war for the War Criminals Cheney-Bush, risking and losing their lives and certainly the stability of their mental health, instead, as usual, considered his own agenda and self-interest…do not EVER raise your voice regarding Biden’s predicament in trying to end an endless war!...DeSantis wants to be President, his role model the insanity and conspiracy moron named Trump. DeSantis is a smart enough man to understand, that for the Base of the Republicans immorality, unscientific, and QAnon thinking will get him the nomination…please stop asking him for a conscience, he knows Trump never had one, so why should he!


Talking heads on Progressive Leaning Cable TV, please stop with the dramatics, as if the more soap opera-ish you get somehow you think you have put the EVIL Republicans and Right-Wing Nuts in their place. A joke might be asked how many Liberal talking heads does it take to stop the Right Wing, umm none…because whenever there are more than one Liberal Talking Heads talking they all seem to say the same thing, and take a whole lot of time saying it…California wake the fuck up, you really think Larry Elder or Caitlyn Jenner give a shit about human rights, your rights, civil liberties, COVID vaccinations…Get real Californians a recall is the next best thing to an Insurrection, you know all the feign indignities without Capitol Police getting murdered. Gavin Newsom may not be God, but damn is certainly the devil you will permit to darken the doorsteps of Sacramento!


So-called Pro-Lifers, ENOUGH bullshit already. And for all those religious leaders who have remained silent regarding the Pro-Pre-Meditated Christians, exactly what are you waiting for, to open up your mouths from your pulpit and preach that if indeed your God created the Earth, your God also must have permitted VIRUSES to thrive…so ask YOUR God to stop VIRUSES by telling your SHEEP to fucking wear a mask get vaccinated and TRULY appreciate PRO-LIFE, by aiding and abetting the science and medicine and not the self-pontification and self-glory of those who could care less if granny or grandpa die. Oh yeah, and for you HETEROSEXUAL parents who have always questioned how single parents or same-sex parents, or parents whose skin color is not the same as their kids can ACTUALLY be responsible adults…IF YOU are one of the way too many who somehow thinks Marjory-Taylor Q-Anon is a doctor, or that FOX News swears animal fertilizer or animal drug, or anything given to an animal will somehow stop COVID…please place your kids up for adoption NOW!  Phew…just had to spew all of that!