Friday, January 21, 2022

And Just Like That

 “AND JUST LIKE THAT,” The women of "Sex and the City" transition from the friendship they had in their 30s to a more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s. Fans or not, the catchphrase “JUST LIKE THAT,” seems to be the common term used to describe events that somehow we knew could occur, YET, when they ACTUALLY find fruition, we seem a bit shocked, and dumbfounded…as if our actions never really have consequences.

In what counts as the longest press conference in presidential history, President Joe Biden spent nearly two hours Wednesday defending his first year in office. But the very first question neatly summed up the problem that Democrats face ahead of what’s set to be a punishing midterm election race: “Did you overpromise to the American public what you could achieve in your first year in office?” (Newsweek)


Dear America, (or at least those of us who understand, planning a COUP, lying about it, then covering up the lie, and still encouraging those who acted as SEDITIONISTS) IS NOT AN AMERICAN IDEAL, get over yourselves. Yes COVID is still a THING, and yes, because no one really knows, yet the cover-to-cover details of COVID, the scientific and medical communities will sometimes move ahead only to take five steps back…AND NO, it is not Joe Biden’s fault. Joe Biden is limited by the HYPOCRITES pretending to be Conservatives, sitting on the Supreme Court, and has little to power, over the Governors of Death who refuse to try and stop COVID from spreading in their states, most likely because none of them want to be primaried. And Joe Biden has fought hard for Voting Rights, but once again, NO ONE KNOWS the real motives of Sinema and Manchin, as to why they seem to HATE Democracy, and EVERYONE should know by now, that Moscow Mitch and HIS GOP Cultist Senators will do everything in their power to REMAIN in power! And BTW, America, TRUMP, and his TREASON-loving FASCISTS still remain an evil force whose goal, America, is to stop letting AMERICA REMAIN AMERICA! So, PLEASE, don’t be “JUST LIKE THAT,” and imagine none of the SHIT presented by TRUMP his KLAN, and the GOP still remain!