Tuesday, January 4, 2022

and why NOT

 With hospitals in crisis, it’s time there were consequences for vaccine holdouts (opinion/Globe and Mail).


When is enough, enough? Is that my wisecrack rhetorical voice? Is that a naiveté expression of total disbelief? Am I honestly acting flabbergasted and reaching for straws? Am I even being disingenuous in asking a question for which the answer should be obvious? And while I am at it…what are the reasons the majority of Republican politicians on a Federal, State, or Local Level for promising the stupid the potential of death, destruction, and doom, forsaking any morality for the sheer delight of remaining PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS? Has the GOP leadership in this nation taken on a mantra of Assisted Suicide for their followers, just NOT TO BE PRIMARIED during the Mid-Terms? And while I am poking a very dangerous Virus made from Human Selfishness, why the fuck are a majority of Evangelical Christian men and women religious leaders of their so-called God, doing this by aiding and abetting pain and suffering; by ignoring science for their own self-gain?


Why has this nation permitted the underbelly of society to act as the brain and muscle of decision making, allowing the Ignorant, Racist, Bigoted, Dumb As Shit, Hateful, to lead the way? I am tired of reacting to Death Chant’s from the Republican Right Wing, the Q-Anon, the Hypocritical Entertainers from FOX, the Wanna Be Fascists! With hospitals in crisis, it’s time there were consequences for vaccine holdouts (opinion/Globe and Mail).