Thursday, January 13, 2022

if it is in the womb

 The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration's rule requiring larger businesses to ensure that workers receive the Covid vaccine or wear masks and get tested on a weekly basis. "In the face of a still-raging pandemic, this court tells the agency charged with protecting worker safety that it may not do so in all the workplaces needed," the justices wrote. "As disease and death continue to mount, this court tells the agency that it cannot respond in the most effective way possible. (NBC News)


BUT, if you are a female and decide on an abortion, living in Texas, you have NO REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, and must adhere to the rules established by the State Government of Texas. So, Ladies, your decision on your health is of concern of your own; because according to the same Conservative Activists’ Judges of the Supreme Court, when it comes to zygotes, fetus and your womb, TOUGH SHIT!


SO, I wonder… Let's say a FEMALE is pregnant and works in a larger business, and that LARGER BUSINESS, no longer requires a Covid Vaccine or even the idea of wearing a mask…YOU, the FEMALE, get COVID and actually die, which means that the zygote or fetus you were carrying (even if the father of zygote or fetus is your own father, brother, uncle, or some ass wipe who decided to rape you), sadly also perishes, and for now you live in Texas (soon to be flowed by other RED STATES), should the state place the owners of the LARGER BUSINESSES in jail for the aborted zygote or fetus!