Friday, January 28, 2022

You're so Vain


Recently, ex-President Donald Trump proudly declared, "What's happening with Russia and Ukraine would never have happened under the Trump administration. Not even a possibility!"

So, yeah, given Trump's predilection to hug Russia and blackmail Ukraine -- a fledgling democracy -- it's probably a good bet that Russian President Vladimir Putin wouldn't be pulling these particular tricks right now. I mean, Trump was his guy. When Bill O'Reilly pointed out to Trump that Putin was a killer, he demurred. "There are a lot of killers," Trump said. " ... You think our country's so innocent?" (CNN Politics)


“You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

I bet you think this song is about you

Don't you don't you? (You’re So Vain/Carly Simon)


Nope, this blog is not about TRUMP, (although in this day and age, it is hard to discern what IS and IS not about TRUMP) but this blog is about that floating fart and its arduous odor which still permeates as dreadful and damning as the ozone level in the atmosphere! So, as expected, for those who will not purchase the Brooklyn Bridge, or pick up the phone and actually purchase a car warranty from a Snake Oil Salesman, VLAD the TRUMP Puppet Master, is still indulging deliciously in dividing this nation; knowing better than most how racist/bigoted/bloated and damn stupid, at least 40% of Americans remain regarding true Democracy and truer Freedoms.


TRUMP is not gone, nor are his strings being pulled by Putin. The Third World War, I believe was initiated once Putin certainly chose his STOOGE, TRUMP, to play a dangerous game of FUCK OVER THE UNITED STATES. UKRAINE, easy, make Biden the Boogie Man and seemingly say TRUMP was such a seeker of CO-EXISTENCE with Russia (as in letting the Russian Diplomatic Staff have access to the Oval Office, and God only knows whatever else EXECUTIVE Privileges) that UKRAINE would have been A-OK with the TRUMP faux Administration. So now that once thought of HARDCORE AMERICAN FIRST GOP, is joining forces with Putin and taking a giant dump on Democracies both internal and external!