Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 Senate Democrats force debate on voting rights reform. (MSNBC)


A good friend of mine, Bonnie posted a message on FB, and it was, for me, a Whack On the Side of the Face, kind of UH-HUH moment. Bonnie wrote that all the HUB-BUB about begging Sinema and Manchin to actually embrace Democracy and support Voting Rights, IS NOT ANS SHOULD NOT be the only focus of decent mined Americans. WTF (I added that part), there are 49 Republican Senators who have a role to play in saving Democracy COUNT-EM FORTY-NINE! Bonnie is correct.


Now my two cents worth of SHAME ON YOU GOP…Where the Hell are the so-called moderates (MODERATES MY ASS), like Mitten Romney (who somehow was offended that President Biden didn’t call him and ask Mittens in helping to support democracy…OR Aunt Bea, Susan Collins, always one beat behind in pretending she cares, and always two beats behind to never apologize for not caring…And Lisa Murkowski, the Alaskan Lady shunned from the TRUMP FREAK SHOW (Hey Lisa, give a real shit and get real with the voting rights of the lower 48) And then there is  Senator Tim Scott (the only African American Senator, who one might wonder, why wouldn’t he want to encourage other African Americans to pull themselves from their bootstraps and at least vote)


These are just four Senators who are so good at pretending they care…Let's ALL begin calling out these HATERS of Democracy, along with the best two Political Puppets ever…Manchin and Sinema!