Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 Question: How do you know that most antiabortion advocates want to ban the medical procedure not to protect, as they claim, the “sanctity of human life,” but to control women’s bodies and relegate them to the status of second-class citizens? Answer: Because they keep telling us! Over and over again!.......... Minnesota Republican Matt Birk Warns Abortion Leads to Women Having Careers, Claims Pro-choice Advocates Are Always Playing “the Rape Card” …….. Matt Birk, a candidate for Lt. Governor, also made a “joke” about how it was wrong to give women the right to drive. (Vanity Fair)

This IS not a skit from Saturday Night Live, and for people of a certain age, it IS neither a page from MAD Magazine, it IS, however, politics of the absurd presented to America by REPUBLICANS. This IS not the latest blurb from the Taliban, nor is it the report of the Ayatollah from Iran but it IS an election speech from one more REPUBLICAN. This IS not 1692 when the first Witch Trials led by the Puritans blemished the shores of New England, but it IS 2022, and more dire and destructive Witch Trials are being held almost daily by REPUBLICANS.


One might BEG the question HOLY HELL, REALLY? Matt Birk is MYSOGYNIST, I do not know him but from his comments, I would consider the fact that he is an insecure, emasculated male, afraid that if he does not degrade women he will lose his already LOST machismo. BUT WORSE THAN THIS, Matt Birk is running for office, and apparently, there are enough people in Minnesota who share his HATRED and INSECURITY!