Saturday, July 23, 2022

Little Men

 Republican Senators Insist There’s No Need to Protect Same-Sex Marriage Despite Literal Supreme Court Threat

According to Marco Rubio, a bill to enshrine same-sex marriage protection into law is a “stupid waste of time.”----- Then there’s Senator Ben Sasse, who would also like to pretend that a sitting justice didn‘t recently put a target on same-sex marriage’s back, or that his own colleagues haven’t been out in public saying things like the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage was “clearly wrong.” He also believes none of this is anything to worry about, and that Nancy Pelosi is just starting shit. (Vanity Fair)


Hey Lil’ Marco and Benny Boy, Holy Shit, you dudes are either Royal Homophobes and or just two insecure males who figure that acting the bully will maintain your masculinity! Lil’ Marco I would have considered you a bit more empathetic to the plight of a minority in this nation, being you are a Cuban American, at least you identify that way when you run for office in Florida (somehow during your short ill-fated Presidential campaign none of that Hispanic Heritage stuff was uttered by your wanna be Caucasian mouth) As for you Benny Boy, you just ooze in white picket fences and white bread, so why the Hell would you give a shit about anyone who isn’t a WHITE-LY hetero as you!


I suppose being men of no conviction except when it comes to your own personal political careers, the rights, liberties, and freedoms of THE OTHER, have no room to fit into your SHALLOWNESS of personalities.